Brain: for Neurocognitive Study of Language:

Sydney Lamb (Stratificational/ Neurocognitive Theory of Language and Other Semiotics)

Brain (The Whole Brain Atlas)

Anatomy (Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section)

Phylogenetic Semohistory to Brain

Related Publications of Sydney Lamb's Theory/ Related Site

Action potentials (electrical sgnals) constitute the signals by which the brain receives, analyzes, and conveys information. These signals are highly stereotyped throughout the nervous system, even though they are initiated by a great variety of events in the environment that impinge on our body---from light to mechanical contact, from odorants to pressure waves. Thus, signals that convey information about vision are identical to those that carry information about odors. Here we encounter another key principle of brain function. The information conveyed by an action potential is determined not the form of the signal but by the pathway the signal travels in the brain. The brain analyzes and interpret patterns of incoming electrical signals and in this way creates our everyday sensations of sight, touch, tasete, smell and sound.
(Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz & Thomas M. Jessel (eds.). (2000) Principles of Neural Science (Fourth Edition). McGraw Hill. p.22.)

If signals are stereotyped and do not reflect the properties of the stimulus, how do neural signals carry specific behavioral information? How is a message that carries visual information distinguished from one that carries pain information about a bee sting, and how both of these signals differ from messages that send commands for voluntary movementt? ... [T]he massage of an action potential is determined by the neural pathways that carries it. The visual pathways activated by receptor cells in the retina that respond to light are completely different from the somatic sensory pathways activated by sensory cells in the skin that respond to touch or pain.
The function of the signal---be it visual, tactile, or motor---is determined not by the signal itself but by the pathway along which it travels.
(Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz & Thomas M. Jessel (eds.). (2000) Principles of Neural Science (Fourth Edition). McGraw Hill. p.31.)

[W]hat makes the brain a remarkable information processing machine is not the complexity of its neurons, but rather its many elements and, in particular, the complexity of connections between them.
(Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz & Thomas M. Jessel (eds.). (2000) Principles of Neural Science (Fourth Edition). McGraw Hill. p.34.)

There are now considerable evidence for placiticity of chemical synapses. Chemical synapses often have remarkable capacity for short-term physiological changes (lasting hours) that increase the effectiveness of synapse. Long-term changes (lasting days) can give rise to further physiological changes that lead to anatomical changes, including pruning of preexisting connections, and even growth of new connections. ... [C]hemical synapses can be modified functionally and anatomically during development and regeneration, and, most imporantly, through experience and learning. Functional alterations are typically short-term and involve changes in the effectiveness of existing synaptic connections. Anatomical alterations are typically long-term and consist of the growth of new synaptic connections between neurons. It is this potential for placiticity of the relatively stereotyped units of the nervous system that endows each of us with our individuality.
(Eric R. Kandel, James H. Schwartz & Thomas M. Jessel (eds.). (2000) Principles of Neural Science (Fourth Edition). McGraw Hill. p.34.)

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